Shah Rukh Khan's film 'Jawan', which will hit theatres on September 7, has received a U/ A certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification. The movie, which is an Hindi-language thriller directed by Atlee, features Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sunil Grover among others. The makers had recently released a prevue of the film.

The Censor Board had reportedly recommended seven changes to the film. As per a leaked copy of the Censor Board report, which is doing the rounds on social media, the filmmakers were asked to remove a suicide scene from the movie. The Censor Board had also recommended the makers to remove a scene involving a beheaded body. 'Jawan' received a U/A certificate after making some alterations in the film.


The report has also revealed the total run time of the movie, which is two hours and 49 minutes. On Wednesday evening, the makers also revealed a video of Shah Rukh Khan urging viewers to visit the nearest theatres to watch his film.

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