Rajinikanth continues to establish his unshakable dominance at the box office. His latest movie, 'Jailer', has set screens ablaze worldwide, accumulating an astounding Rs 400 crore within a mere eight days of its debut. Rajinikanth's next venture, temporarily titled 'Thalaivar 170', will see him taking the lead role. In the forthcoming film, he is expected to portray a police officer, directed by TJ Gnanavel, known for directing Suriya’s Jai Bhim. Production for Thalaivar 170 is projected to commence by September this year.

According to recent updates, Amitabh Bachchan has also joined the primary cast of Thalaivar 170. As per ETimes, Mr Bachchan has been selected to play the antagonist, engaging in a clash of titans with Rajinikanth in the movie. If these reports hold true, these two legendary actors will reunite on-screen after an extensive hiatus of 32 years. Their previous collaboration was in Mukul S Anand’s 1991 film 'Hum'.

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