Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who has been taking an acting break to undergo treatment for Myositis, has addressed and dismissed rumours of borrowing Rs 25 crore from a Telugu actor for her medical expenses. On social media, Samantha clarified that such claims are far from the truth.

'25 crores to treat Myositis!? Someone got you a pretty bad deal. I am glad I am only spending the smallest fraction of that. And, I don't think I was paid in marbles for all the work I've done in my career. So, I can easily take care of myself. Thank you', Samantha wrote in response to the speculations.


Last year, Samantha courageously shared with her followers that she was diagnosed with the autoimmune condition 'Myositis.' Her openness about her health condition has garnered support and concern from fans.

While reports had recently suggested that Samantha had incurred significant medical expenses, she urged everyone to be responsible with the information they put out regarding her treatment.