Mohanlal fans were disappointed to note that their favourite superstar was missing in the trailer of 'Jailer'. He was also absent at the audio launch of the film. Looks like Sun Pictures, who have produced the film, are making amends. They tweeted a still of Mohanlal and Rajinikanth with the caption— “Superstar—Lalettan. Who are all waiting for this combo?”

Meanwhile, Malayalees are ecstatic to witness the first-time collaboration of Mohanlal and Rajinikanth on screen. Mohanlal plays a character called Mathew in the film.

'Jailer' is all set to release on August 10th. Others in the lineup include Shivarajkumar, Sunil, Remya Krishna, Tammannah, Yogi Babu, and Jackie Shroff. Vinayakan plays the antagonist. Rajini plays Muthuvel Pandian.

Stunt Siva is the action choreographer and the music is by Anirudh Ravichander. The cinematography is by Vijay Karthik Kannan. A huge set was set up at Ramoji Rao film city for the film shoot. This is Rajinikanth’s next after ‘Annatthe.’ 

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