Dulquer Salmaan recently celebrated his 40th birthday with his family and friends. Several celebrities also took to his social media pages to wish the actor on his special day. Now, photos of the actor celebrating his birthday with his loved ones, including his sister Surumi and wife Amal Sufiya have gone viral on social media. The photo was posted by fashion photographer, stylist and actor Shaki Shani.

Actors Nazriya Nazim, Jacob Gregory were also part of the celebrations. Nazriya who has acted with Dulquer in films like 'Bangalore Days', 'Salala Mobiles', among others, also posted a note on the actor's birthday. “Happy birthday bum! Happy happy 40. We love you so so much. Wish you the bestest year. U, ama n mumu our our own,” she wrote. Prithviraj's wife and producer Supriya Menon, who shares a close bond with Dulquer and his wife Amal also wished the actor, writing, “Happy 40th, Dulquer. Here's wishing you lots of time with Amu and Marie this year! And lots of great work ahead,” she wrote.


Dulquer is gearing up for the release of his upcoming Malayalam film 'King of Kotha', which will hit theatres this Onam. The actor's previous Malayalam film 'Salute' was an OTT release. He will also be seen in the upcoming Hindi comedy series 'Guns and Gulaabs', which will start streaming on Netflix from August 18.