Talk about art imitating life. Looks like little Devananda who played Kallu in 'Malikappuram' is also an Ayyappan devotee in real life. The young actor celebrated her 10th birthday at Sabarimala and offered her prayers to Lord Ayyappan. The star had reportedly fasted for 75 days to play her role in the commercially successful film. The actor has shared her happiness on meeting Lord Ayyappan recently, adding she would have to wait for long to meet him again.

“I have to wait for another 40 years to meet Ayyappa swami. There's nothing greater than that,” she had captioned her video. As per tradition, girls above 10 and women below 50 are not allowed to enter the holy shrine.


Devananda became an overnight sensation after her poignant performance in 'Malikappuram' starring Unni Mukundan. The child actor who debuted in ‘Thottappan’ has also acted in ‘My Santa,’ ‘Minnal Murali’ and ‘Heaven.’

Devananda who is a Class 1V student at Rajagiri Public School is hoping to balance her studies and acting career.