Shah Rukh Khan, along with the 'Jawan' film team, treated fans to the stunning third poster of the upcoming movie. The poster presents the National Award-winning actor Vijay Sethupathi in a menacing avatar as 'the dealer of death,' wearing sleek black sunglasses that add an air of mystery to his character.

Produced by Gauri Khan and co-produced by Gaurav Verma, 'Jawan' is an eagerly awaited Red Chillies Entertainment presentation, directed by the talented Atlee. The film is all set to release on September 7, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages, promising a high-octane cinematic experience for audiences.


With the charismatic Shah Rukh Khan leading the cast and Vijay Sethupathi portraying an intriguing antagonist, anticipation for 'Jawan' continues to soar.

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