Ponnani: Most people in Malappuram realised that a top film celebrity hailed from their district only when Vincy Aloshious won the Kerala State Award for the best actress on Friday. Even though actors Sangita Madhavan Nairwho hails from Kottakkal and Swetha Menon from Valanchery had earlier brought the same award to Malappuram, Vincy’s win is sweeter as she is truly based at the port town of Ponnani in the district.

In fact, Vincy was born, raised and still lives close to the harbour in Ponnani. As soon as the state award was announced, neighbours greeted Vincy, who was at her home, Palayoor House, a two-storeyed building in the coastal town. People living a little further rushed with their families to Vincy’s house to congratulate her.


It was an occasion for the entire town to celebrate. A manger, stars and other decorations hanging from Palayoor House suggested that Christmas had arrived early. Vincy’s parents Aloshious and Sony offered sweets such as ‘laddoos’ and cake to everyone who stepped into the house to share the happiness of the award. Meanwhile, Vincy received calls from leading lights of Malayalam movie industry such as director Lal Jose and actor Dileep.

While young, Vincy was inspired by television interviews of actors such as Kavya Madhavan and dreamed of a career in films one day. As a Plus-Two (Class 12) student, Vincy had competed in mono-act and reached the district level. Vincy’s ancestors hailed from Mullassery in Thrissur district. Her grandmother Mary had received an appointment as a teacher at a school in Biyyam near Ponnani and the family shifted to the current location several decades ago.


Vincy’s grandfather Poulose, who was working in Singapore at that time, also moved to Ponnani when he retired from service and the family settled at the seaside town.  Currently, Vincy lives close to her ancestral house in Ponnani. She has a brother, Vibin, who works in Muscat. Vincy and her family are now eagerly awaiting the glittering state award to adorn the small showcase in the living room of Palayoor House.

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