Actress Vincy Aloshious has emerged victorious at the Kerala State Film Awards, bagging the Best Actress award for her remarkable performance in the movie 'Rekha'. The 27-year-old talented actress expressed her excitement and joy when she spoke to the media following the announcement. Although many had hoped for her win in 'Rekha', she confessed that the award came as a delightful surprise, leaving her absolutely thrilled.

Reflecting on the journey, Vincy revealed that after the movie's release, numerous colleagues and relatives had confidently predicted her triumph. When questioned about her thoughts on Mammootty's Best Actor win, she couldn't contain her admiration, proclaiming herself a hardcore fan of the legendary actor. Witnessing him receive the honour, she considers it a privilege to share the same recognition with him.


Vincy's rise to fame commenced with her participation in Mazhavil Manorama's reality show 'Nayika Nayakan'. In 2019, she embarked on her cinematic journey with the movie 'Vikruthi', where she showcased her acting prowess alongside Suraj Venjaramood. Since then, she has continued to shine brightly in the industry, culminating in this well-deserved accolade for her exceptional work in 'Rekha'.

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