Actor Akshay Kumar unveiled a captivating new poster of his highly anticipated film 'OMG 2' on Monday, featuring co-stars Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam in prominent roles. Alongside the poster, Akshay excitedly announced that the film's teaser would soon be released by the makers. The poster showcases Akshay adorned in Lord Shiva's divine avatar, with ash smudged on his face. Sporting a rudraksha necklace and dreadlocks, the actor exudes an aura of power and mystique.

The release of the poster sparked an outpouring of adoration from Akshay's fans, flooding the comments section with expressions like 'Har Har Mahadev' and 'Jai Bholenath'. One comment humbly requested, "Paji, with folded hands, please make a good film... Don't turn it into a mockery like the character of Aadipurush, please."


'OMG 2' is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2012 satirical comedy-drama film 'Oh My God!'. The original film was based on the Gujarati stage-play 'Kanji Virudh Kanji', itself inspired by the Billy Connolly starrer 'The Man Who Sued God'.

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