Actor Alia Bhatt who is making her Hollywood debut with the upcoming film 'Heart of Stone' opposite Gal Gadot is being trolled for behaving unprofessionally during the promotion of the movie.

The actor was part of an interview given by the lead cast, including Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan, to international media outlets.


Apparently, netizens were not happy that Alia looked fidgety, especially when Gal Gadot spoke about how she balanced her professional and personal life. Many commented that Alia was playing too much with her hair and finger rings, which made her look disinterested with the conversation. They also argued that she was behaving unprofessionally. “Alia, you are not sitting at your couch at home!,” wrote one person, while another said the actor looked completely awkward during the interview, which has only been published in parts.

Alia Bhatt, who has already earned a name for herself as a versatile actor in India, will be playing a villain in this action thriller. From the trailer, we understand that Gal Gadot is playing an intelligence operative.


The recently released trailer of the film received positive responses from the audience, though some were disappointed that Alia has very limited screen time in the trailer.