This week has been quite eventful for participants of Bigg Boss Season 5. Recently, Shiju AR's family, including his wife and daughter arrived at the Bigg Boss house to surprise him. Even Nadira's sister and friend graced the show. The latest promo of Thursday's episode hints that Akhil Marar's family has entered the house.

The promo has also generated a lot of buzz on social media, with many stating that it is the most touching video from Bigg Boss (Malayalam) to be released till date.

In the video, Akhil can be seen welcoming his two daughters with open arms. The trio then fall on the ground laughing. Akhil can also be seen picking up his wife Lakshmi and planting a kiss on her cheek.

Akhil Marar, who is also a director, is one of the most popular contestants this season.