'Voice Of Sathyanathan', which marks Dileep's latest collaboration with director Raffi, is all set to hit theatres soon. The film, bankrolled by Badusha Cinemas and Grand Productions, will also feature Joju George, Siddique and Tollywood actor Jagapathi Babu in prominent roles.

According to the makers, the film will hit theatres on July 14, marking Dileep's return in theatres after a gap of three years. Though the Nadirshah film 'Keshu Ee Veedinte Nadhan' featuring Dileep got released in 2021, it was a direct OTT release.


The second teaser, which got released on Sunday, hints the movie will be a crime thriller. Dileep's dialogues, however, are infused with humour.

The Dileep-Raffi combo has delivered a couple of hits, including 'Punjabi House' and 'Thenkasipattanam'. Raffi has also written the script of the hit movie 'Two Countries' featuring Dileep and Mamta Mohandas.


Swaroop Philip will crank the camera for 'Voice of Sathyananthan', while Ankit Menon has composed music for the film. Shameer Muhammed is the editor of the movie.

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