Dhanya Nath, who appeared in the lead role in the film 'Butterfly Girl 85', directed by Prasanth Murali Padmanabhan, has won the best actress award at the Madras Independent Film Festival for her performance in the film. The movie has been making it big recently by winning several awards and accolades at various national and international film festivals.

The film dwells on the theme of the identity crisis on social media. It tells about how deeply social media impacts the individuality of common people and unravels their incongruity with the realities of life.

Dhanya Nath. Photo: Special arrangement

Prasanth Murali Padmanabhan, who had directed films like 'Paisa Paisa' starring Indrajith and Aju Verghese in the lead and Mamta Mohandas starrer 'Lalbagh' earlier, said that this time his effort was to try out a different experience through 'Butterfly Girl 85'.

The film is produced by V V Vishwanathan under the banner 4D Productions. The makers have announced that the movie will have its theatrical release soon.


Anand Madhusoodanan scored the music for the film, while Anil Vijay cranked the camera. Sunesh Sebastian was in charge of the editing department.

Director Prasanth Murali Padmanabhan on the sets of 'Butterfly Girl 85'.. Photo: Special arrangement

Apart from Dhany Nath, the movie has Pradeesh Jacob, Ishika Emil, Ammu Nair, Geetha Jithu, Kalesh Parameswar, Lukman, Zhins Shan, Anwar Sadik, Anuprabha Lal, Jeevan Sivadas, Abin Mary, Anu Chandrashekhar, Madhesh, Prasasth, Abhijith Pran, Vijai Bhaskar in prominent roles.

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