Amaravati: Veteran South Indian actor Suman Talwar, who has been staying away from active politics for some years now, has openly announced his decision to support the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) in Telangana. This marks the actor's entry into active politics once again. Though the actor joined the BJP in 2004, after his foray into politics in 1999, he later distanced himself from the party as he was not given any key position.

The actor, however, did not say which party he would back in Andhra Pradesh but indications are that he will rejoin the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), where he began his political career.


Suman had recently defended Tamil superstar Rajinikanth over his remarks made at birth centenary celebrations of legendary actor and former chief minister N T Rama Rao at Vijayawada. Rajinikanth's speech in which he had praised TDP president and former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu had evoked strong reaction from ruling YSR Congress Party (YSRCP).

Suman had stated that there was nothing wrong in Rajinikanth's speech as he did not criticise any party and leader. The actor said the superstar spoke truth about Chandrababu Naidu. He pointed out that Naidu played a key role in the transformation of Hyderabad and the city's development as an information technology hub.


Suman had also remarked that ups and downs are common in politics. He also commented that some mistakes happened during Chandrababu Naidu's rule.

Suman has acted in 700 movies in 10 languages in a career spanning 45 years. The 63-year-old is mainly known for his work in Telugu and Tamil films.


(with IANS inputs)