The auditions for ‘Action Hero Biju 2’ have begun. The crew will be auditioning experienced junior artists for various roles. For the past few days, the auditions have been held at the office of Pakka Pakka Films at Geetanjali Junction. Director Abrid Shine will handpick the actors. So far, several people have attended the auditions, including dramatists and mime artists. It has been announced that the auditions will be held again at the same studio on May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

They are looking for a male actor between the ages of 48-55, who is fluent in English, for the role of a Gazetted Officer. They also require 'new-gen' boys between 18-24 years, female actors for characters aged between 20-30 years, and male and female actors between 30 and 40 years old.

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