'Jawan', which features Shah Rukh Khan in the lead, is one of the most anticipated releases this year. Recently, clips of the upcoming Shah Rukh Khan-starrer movie got leaked on various social media platforms, 'shady' websites, cable TV outlets, direct-to-home services, and various other platforms. Following this, the Delhi High Court has asked these platforms to remove the leaked clips and stop their circulation as well.

The order was issued after Red Chillies Entertainment Private Limited, a production house owned by Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan, filed a lawsuit in the Delhi High Court.

A Delhi High Court bench headed by Justice C. Hari Shankar on Tuesday directed social media sites like YouTube, Google, Twitter, and Reddit to take action to halt the circulation of the movie's copyrighted content and ordered a number of internet service providers to prohibit access to websites that were showing or making the movie's footage available for viewing or downloading.

Two movie-related video snippets, according to the petitioner, were leaked on social media, one showing Shah Rukh Khan in a fight sequence, and the second showing a dance sequence.

"It is the plaintiff's (Red Chillies) case that these leaked video clips are nothing but clear violation of copyright/intellectual property rights of the plaintiff which are are causing damage and loss to the plaintiff. The leaked video clips together give away the look of the actors in the said film, as well as the music, both of which are typically disclosed at strategic points in time as part of the carefully-curated marketing strategy of a film," the court was told.

The lawsuit also claimed that specific images from the film's set, which were shot behind closed doors in a studio, had been leaked by the defendants.

An apprehension was expressed that the rogue social media handles would further copy, reproduce and distribute the copyright-protected materials and other proprietary information on various platforms, the plea said.

"The plaintiff reasonably apprehends that such publication and unauthorised circulation of the leaked video clips will jeopardise the promotion and exploitation rights of the plaintiff in the said film, and as and when the said film is released in theatres, similar acts of piracy relating to the entire film would also commence and intermediaries/websites as described would again be utilised to illegally copy, record, download, reproduce, transmit and communicate the said copyright protected work to the general public," the plea said.

(With IANS inputs)

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