Mumbai: Despite the social media critics who complained about Varun Dhawan's behaviour with Gigi Hadid during the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) Day 2 after-party, the actor claimed that it was all part of the plan. Nevertheless, the audience couldn't get enough of Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra's performance of the hit song 'Gallan Goodiyan' from Zoya Akhtar's 2015 romantic drama 'Dil Dhadakne Do'.

Priyanka, who's awaiting the release of the sci-fi action-drama series 'Citadel' later this month, looked clearly out of touch with Bollywood moves, as she was in 'Dil Dhadakne Do' when Ranveer and she were much younger. Nonetheless, she sportingly tried to keep pace with Ranveer Singh, who was his usual sprightly self.


At the end of the performance, Ranveer planted a kiss on his old co-star, who's now an international celebrity.

Although the stars and their gigs may have grabbed the media's attention, the big event coinciding with the NMACC opening that has got the international fashion world talking is the exhibition showcasing the global influence of Indian art and fine fabrics since the 1600s.


In the words of the show's curator, Vogue magazine's global editor-at-large, Hamish Bowles, "The treasury of India's sartorial and textile traditions has provided inspiration that led to imitation at the court of Louis XVI and the couturiers of Jazz Age Paris, the sportswear designers of midcentury America, and the hippies of the Summer of Love."

Unsurprisingly, the exhibition drew high praise from people in the know, one of them being Radhika Raje Gaekwad of the House of Baroda.


"The exquisitely represented and mounted exhibition by @hamishbowles on India-inspired world fashion spanning centuries is not to be missed," wrote Radhika Raje on her Instagram.

(With inputs from IANS)

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