Friends and colleagues paid their final respects to Dharmajan Bolgatty's mother Madhavi Kumaran, who passed away on Thursday night. The news of Madhavi's mother's death comes just a day after Dharmajan's dear friend and comedian Subi Suresh, who entertained the masses with her quick wit and humour, passed away. Both Dharmajan and Subi were neighbours.

Madhavi was admitted to a private hospital in Kochi on Thursday, after she developed acute breathing difficulty. Her cremation was held at Cheranallore at 3 pm on Friday.


Comedian Ramesh Pisharody and his wife, producer Badusha, among other cine stars paid their final respects to Dharmajan's mother. Dharmajan who has made a mark both in films and stage shows is also a politician and entrepreneur.

She is survived by children- Bahuleyan, Dharmajan and daughters-in-law Sunanda and Anuja. Akshay, Abhijith, Vaiga and Veda are her grandchildren.

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