Tovino Thomas who is currently shooting for the film 'Ajayante Randaam Moshanam', has shared a video of him showing off his Kalari skills, using kolthaari. The video has gone viral in no time and is getting a lot of good feedback from his fans and colleagues alike.

In the video, Tovino can be seen performing the pandeeran veeshal, which is a form of attack and defense mechanism done using a five-feet long stick or cane.


The actor also wrote a very motivating caption underneath the video: 'The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you,” he wrote.

Tovino plays a triple role in the upcoming film 'Ajayante Randaam Moshanam', which is directed by Jithin Lal and written by Sujith Nambiar. The actor essays the roles of Maniyan, Ajayan and Kunjikelu from three different time periods in the film.


The film has a lot of Kalari-oriented scenes and Tovino has undergone rigorous training in Kalaripayyatu for the film.

Fans of the actor posted that he continues to prove that his success is the result of a lot of hardwork. They also said they can't wait to see him in action in the film.