Actress Aishwarya Lekshmi who is currently a South Indian sensation recently posted a picture with Tamil actor Arjun Das. The photo posted by the actress with a love emoji has generated a lot of discussion on social media. Since the actress has not made any other statement, people seemed to be confused by the picture. Though many stated that the photo was posted as part of her upcoming film, others maintained that wedding bells were ringing for the actress.

Arjun Das who is only a few Tamil films old is noted most for his work in the Karthi-starrer ‘Kaithi’. He was also seen in Andhagaram.


Last year, Aishwarya Leskhmi had several back-to-back films, the most noted being the Telugu film ‘Ammu’ and Tamil films ‘Gatta Kusthi’ and ‘Ponniyin Selvan’. In Mollywood, she played the titular character in ‘Kumari’.

Telugu actress Priyanka Jawalkar congratulated the duo, saying she was so happy for Aishwarya. Confused fans soon wanted to know whether Aishwarya was indeed in a relationship with the actor. One person commented, “What do you mean,” in the comment box.


Aishwarya Lekhsmi, just like most of her peers, have kept her personal life guarded, not revealing her relationships. She has also not been linked with anyone in the past.

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