Actress Maala Parvathi has hit out against those criticising Asif Ali for his role in the recently released Prithviraj-starrer 'Kaapa'. The actress said she particularly felt saddened by a note that went viral on social media claiming that Asif Ali was frightfully boring in the film as he acted like a 'fool'.

“You hear a lot of negative comments about actors all the time, like he can't emote, it wasn't good as I thought, etc. But there are many factors that lead to a bad performance. For example, some actors take time to get into the character. They become the character after reading the script and interacting with the writer many times,” she explained.

“There are others who treat the art of acting as a mere craft. But in most movies, they act almost the same. It is a sleight of hand. Beyond that, it doesn't touch the mind of the audience. What often happens is that the director has a vision of how a character should be presented in the film. It often doesn't match the actor's approach. A character shines in the film only when the actor and the director are on the same page. Just because you disliked an actor in a few films, he/she doesn’t automatically become a bad actor,” Maala stated.

“I saw a post about actor Asif Ali which has gone viral. I felt very sad when I read it. Asif Ali is an amazing actor. He has a special ability to capture the mind of the character. His performance in ‘Uyare’ is worth mentioning and it covers the character’s desperation, love, lust, jealousy, longing, grudge, and doubt so effectively,” said Maala who has acted with Asif Ali in ‘Kettyolanante Malakha’.

“In that film, I couldn’t see Asif anywhere, only saw Sleevachan. He was also a character that required emoting. If you judge a film based on an actor’s performance and declare it to be boring, then you are biased. It is really unfortunate to deliberately write posts defaming him on social media,” she said.

A good actor can sometimes become bad, but some actors never are good or bad. They will give a minimum guaranteed performance. The yardstick isn’t the same for all actors. I consider Asif Ali to be one of the better actors from this generation. A fabulous actor! If he doesn't shine in every film, then it should be understood that he does justice to the art. These fluctuations may be due to the perception of acting as an art rather than a craft. With that honesty, he sometimes does wonders,” wrote Maala and added that actor Asif Ali cannot be written off. “

Anyone who has seen his films post-Ritu will be able to understand this. I am remembering the famous playwright C.J. Thomas said, in this context, "That Man, is you" by C.J. As David says.. during the influence of a genius, he lives intermittently. "

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