'Bandra' team has revealed Tammannah's first look from the film on the actress's birthday. The actress who is dressed in traditional attire looks like a resplendent Indian princess in the poster. Tamannaah who has had some remarkable outings in Telugu and Tamil is making her Mollywood debut with Dileep-starrer 'Bandra'. 

 'Bandra' marks the second collaboration of Arun Gopy and Dileep after 'Rama Leela'.  Dileep is playing an underworld don in the film. The film is based on a real-life incident that occurred in Mumbai. A thriller, reportedly 'Bandra' is one of the costliest films to be made in Malayalam in recent times. Sarath Kumar, Eeshwari Rao, VTV Ganesh, Dino Moreo, Aryan Santosh, Siddique, Lena, and Kalabhavan Shajon are the other actors in Bandra. Scripted by Udayakrishnan, this is Dileep’s 147th film. The film is produced by Vinayaka Ajith under the banner of Ajith Vinayaka Films. Shaji Kumar is doing the cinematography and the music is by Sam CS. Other credits are as follows—editing (Vivek Harshan), production designer (Noble Jacob), art director (Subhash Karun), Sound designer (Ranganath Ravee), and costume (Praveen Varma).

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