Actor Ullas Pandalam's wife was found dead at their residence in Pathanamthitta in the wee hours on Tuesday. The body was found on the first floor of the house. Preliminary reports suggest Ullas's wife died by suicide.  The incident came to light after the actor himself lodged a police complaint stating that his wife, Nisha, a Poozhikkadu native, was missing.

The body was found after police arrived at the house. According to the police, Ullas was at the house when the incident took place.


However, Nisha and their two children Indrajith and Suryajith were sleeping in the first floor of the house.

Ullas who rose to fame with his performances as a mimicry artist in various comedy shows, soon went on to act in films too.


Ullas had made his debut in films with 'Daivanthinte Swantham Cleetus' starring Mammootty. He later went on to act in several films and is still consistent in TV shows.They had moved to a new house in 2020. The actor had then said he built the house after facing a lot of struggle.

  Ullas had made his debut in films with 'Daivanthinte Swantham Cleetus' starring Mammootty. He later went on to act in several films and is still consistent in TV shows.