Shine Tom Chacko who has been courting controversies these days for his statements says he has even neglected his family for cinema. According to the ‘Kurup’ actor, he lives for cinema. “One should be able to satisfy one’s own soul. Parents will always want to see their children do well in life,” the actor recently stated.

He also says it won't be possible to forsake cinema to please his family and live with them. “I’m acting every moment of my life and only half is being shown on camera,” the actor said during an interview with an online YouTube channel.


Shine Tom Chacko’s words

“If you are passionate about cinema, it is very easy to be part of it. Isn’t it nice to do a job you love and get paid several crores for it? Sometimes I have tried to follow other people's style to make people laugh. And often I start to sound like I belong to some Illam (the house of a Nampoothiri). I do that when I have to present a humorous dialogue with a straight face. Isn’t it necessary to practice it elsewhere before doing it in front of the camera? I can only do half of what I will do in real life when the camera is switched on. It is only because I am being controlled by sensible people that I am able to behave rationally in cinema.

Do those who claim that I smoke weed ever contemplate why there is so much weed around? No one is nabbing those who cultivate weed. But the blame is on those people who smoke them. Substance abuse is a behavioral disorder. The problem is not about its usage but how the ones who use substance are made into criminals. Even their family is destroyed in the bargain. I try to keep myself entertained while waiting to perform my roles. I think the happiness you feel off-screen will be translated on-screen. That will result in good performances. It is important to keep practicing just before the camera starts rolling.

Nothing is happening in my life apart from cinema. That’s also the reason why I was not able to preserve my married life or any other relationships. I am also a failure when it comes to my equation with my father, mother, and siblings. I am failing there to be happy in front of the camera. How long will our family be there with us? We only take back our souls with us. So we need to satisfy our soul not people. It is better to remain detached from our family members to keep ourselves and them safe from hurt and pain.

Freedom doesn’t mean you are disregarding and defying everyone around you. By that count Gandhiji and Christ are rebels. Though I have been born into a family, they didn’t raise and educate me so that I will simply sit at home. I do talk to them but not much. Parents bring up their children with the hope of giving them a good future. But once they are married, they leave their parent's home and sometimes settle abroad. Then these parents will sit at home yearning to be with their children. So parents are sending their children not because they are happy to let them go but because it will benefit their future. No one can say for sure if they are truly happy and satisfied. I haven’t yet finished 100 films. I started desiring cinema when cinema had grown in terms of technology and content for Malayalees. The absolute satisfaction we get while watching a film in the theatre can never be replicated while watching the same on OTT”—says the actor.  

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