Iconic movie ‘Spadikam’ starring super star Mohanlal in the lead role is all set to thrill the audience again. The movie would be re released in the theatres in 4 K visual quality and with Dolby Atmos sound.

Mohanlal has announced the release date of the remastered version of ‘Spadikam’. The film that is touted as a cult classic in Malayalam cinema would hit the big screens on 9 February 2023. In a note posted on his social media page, the screen icon recalls that the movie was first released on a Thursday, twenty eight years ago. He ends the not by saying a popular dialogue by Aadu Thoma, the protagonist of the movie.


“You have always kept Aadu Thoma close to your heart. Now, the movie is getting released again, with the technical brilliance of the modern age. The 4K Atmos version of ‘Spadikam’ would be released in cinemas all over the world on 9 February 2023. It was on a Thursday like this, twenty eight years ago, that you received Aadu Thoma into your hearts,” wrote Mohanlal.

The 4 K version of Spadikam has been made on a whopping budget of over Rs 1 crore. It was a long cherished dream of director Bhandran to re release the movie to suit the visual and acoustic qualities of the modern era. The movie boasts of 4 K Atmos mixing that elevates the cinematic experience. The re mastering works of the film was done at the Four Frames Studio in Chennai owned by renowned filmmaker Priyadarshan. Noted sound designer Raja Krishnan, who is also a national award winner has handled the sound of the latest version.