Namitha Pramod who shot to fame acting in movies like ‘Puthiya Theerangal’, ‘Vikramadithyan’ and ‘Adi Kapyare Koottamani’ has written a heartfelt note to her parents on their 27th wedding anniversary. The actress also shared a photo of a letter written to her father by herself and sister Paru during their younger days. Namitha's father had worked several years in Qatar before returning to his native home.

She also recalls how the letter, posted by her on social media, was written by them when they were down with some allergy. “This letter was written by me and Paru while Achan worked in Qatar.Those were the times when Amma would write pages expressing her affection towards him, and I would wait restlessly to write down how much I missed Achan with my first ever Hero pen,if I’m right.I vividly remember that while I was writing this letter, both Paru @aki_tha_ and I were struggling with severe allergies. However, we never informed Achan any of those dilemmas we came across during that phase of time,” she wrote on Facebook.


The actress also says her eyes welled up with tears when her mother showed the letter written by her several years ago. “Tears welled up when Amma showed me this letter written yonks ago.Today is their 27th wedding anniversary. We are much lucky to have you both as our parents, and I thank God for giving us you. We didn't come from a well-to-do family. Nonetheless, the immense effort our parents put in made us what we are today. You will have me and Paru by your side through thick and thin. We promise. Advanced Anniversary wishes Acha and Amma ♥️✨,” she wrote.

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