This year, Diwali was extra special for both Nayanthara and Vignesh Sivan who recently welcomed twins through surrogacy. The happy couple took to Instagram, holding their little ones, while wishing everyone a happy Diwali. “We wish you, a happy Diwali everyone,” both Vignesh and Nayanthara can be heard saying in the video, which has been shared multiple times. Vignesh ends the video by kissing Nayanthara in the forehead.

The birth of Nayanthara and Vignesh Sivan's twins had been the talk of the town, with many surprised that the couple had the twins just months after their marriage. It was later learnt that the children were born through surrogacy, which fueled surrogacy discussions in India on social media.


After the Tamil Nadu health department initiated an inquiry to know whether the couple flouted norms to have their children through surrogacy, the couple revealed they had actually tied the knot six years ago.

Nayanthara and Vignesh had met on the sets of 'Naanum Rowdy Thaan'.

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