Nayanthara and Vignesh Sivan have been making headlines ever since the birth of their twin sons through surrogacy. Recently, the couple had also shocked the world when they informed the Tamil Nadu health government that they had tied the knot six years ago. The couple made the revelation after being questioned about their decision to have children through surrogacy, though they were married only in July, this year.

Since then, Vignesh has been posting subtle messages and responses through his Instagram stories. In one of his posts, the director had stated that everything will come to you at the right time. “All one needs to be is patient and grateful,” he wrote in one of his stories.


Meanwhile, in his latest Instagram post, Vignesh has picked a Bible verse which speaks about peace and grace. “Start your day with this Bible verse. Numbers 6: 24-26. May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile at you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his grace and grant you his peace,” he wrote.

On October 9, the couple had announced the birth of their two sons- Uyir and Ulagam.

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