Ahaana Krishna who turned 27 recently celebrated this year's birthday in a special way. The actress, who is known for her roles in 'Nyan Steve Lopez' and 'Luca', apparently celebrated her birthday with a cake similar to the one cut by her on her first birthday. What's more, the actress said her mom dressed in the same attire that was worn by her exactly 27 years ago.

“So let me explain. For some reason , the number 27 sounded rather uninteresting to me. Like I found 25 exciting. But 27 sounded meh. Like a random number. So , to make myself feel excited .. I decided that I’ll have the same Cake which I cut for my 1st Birthday , as the cake that I will be cutting for my 27th Birthday. And this little thing was enough for me to feel quite excited and look forward to the day.

Honestly , I had only planned the cake. But my mother took the brief rather seriously and wore the same saree she wore on my 1st birthday and found a very very similar shirt for my dad too.

So basically , on my 27th birthday , me and my family played dress-up and recreated few nice memories from 27 years ago. My sisters thankfully didn’t have to tag along , for obvious reasons.


So that’s my happy , simple , beautiful birthday. Thankyou ALL of you for so so so so so many beautiful wishes. It just made my day so much more wholesome. I have tried my best to reply to each one of you. But in case I missed out on any of your messages , I’m sorry and do consider this as a hug from me to you as a little Thankyou.

This cake has been one of the tastiest cakes I’ve had in so long. I secretly wished that the cake should taste like those good old cakes you had as a child. And it actually did. Thankyou @mias.cupcakery for joining in with all my cake ideas and for making sure that the cake resembled my older cake to the T. The care you always take is just so heart-warming. I’m going to remember this cutoooos cake for a long long long time. And of course , it’s heavenly taste. ❣️


Made a video for the channel , documenting my birthday and some thoughts. It’s called “27th Birthday Note” and it’s now up on the Channel. Link in Bio and Story.Okay bye and Thankyou Universe. You are kind," she concluded on Instagram.