Amid all the controversy surrounding actor Sreenath Bhasi, the first look poster of his forthcoming movie ‘Namukku Kodathiyil Kaanam’ is out. The title of the movie directed by Sanjith Chandrasenan seems like an uncanny reflection of what is happening right now in the actor’s life.

The Kerala Film Producers Association had decided to impose a temporary ban on Sreenath Bhasi, who was arrested for verbally abusing a female anchor during the promotion of his latest movie ‘Chattambi’.


Aashiq Akbar Ali has penned the story, screenplay and dialogues of the movie which is jointly bankrolled by MGC Private Limited and Hazeebz Films. ‘Namukku Kodathiyil Kaanam’ deals with some interesting incidents that happen in an inter-caste marriage after the couple has a baby.

Besides Sreenath Bhasi, Renji Panicker, Lalu Alex, Niranj Raju, Johnny Antony, Haressh Kanaran, Alencier, Jayaraj Warrier, Sijoy Varghese, Nithin Renji Panicker, Shanesh Anand, Abhiram Radhakrisknan, Marinalini Gandhi, Sarayu Mohan, Kavitha Nair, Alfie Panjikkaran and Rashmi Boban play pivotal roles in the movie.


Mathew Prasad K handles the cinematography while editing is by Sagar Das. Rahul Subramaniam composed the songs for the movie. Sajith Krishna is the line producer. The production design is by Sajith Bala and Stephy Xavier does the costumes. Make-up is Jithesh Poyya. Nijil Divakaran is the production controller. Meanwhile, Ratheesh Palode is the chief associate director and Vivek Prasad is the associate director.

Sangeeth VS, Sujith Surendran, Anoop Jacob, Isac Vavachan are the assistant directors. The stills are by Sreejith Chettipadi. Gokul G Nath is the production manager while Manju Gopinath and Vazhoor Jose are the PRO. AK Dileep Kumar is the finance controller. 

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