Actor Kunchacko Boban who is basking the success of Ratheesh Poduval's 'Nna Thaan Case Kodu' has now shared an amusing video from his South African trip. In the video, Kunchacko, who visited Maasai Mara in Kenya, with his family can be heard shouting, ‘Vyttila, Palarivattom’, before entering a small jet.

The video was shared by the actor with the caption: When Iravi got promoted from bus-conductor to flight conductor’.


Kunchacko had played the character Iravi, a bus conductor, in hit movie ‘Ordinary’ directed by Sugeeth and starring Biju Menon, among others. The actor has also tagged the director in the post.

Kunchacko was exploring Kenya in depth with Priya Kunchacko Boban and had recently posted pictures of his travel along with the residents there. He had also posted beautiful pictures from his visit to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the African continent.


‘Nna Thaan Case Kodu’ which first hit theatres and then OTT has been receiving massive response from Malayalees across the globe. Kunchacko who played Rajeevan, an unassuming man who soon becomes an accused in a theft case.