'Palthu Janwar', starring Basil Joseph hit theatres recently. The film, which revolves around a livestock inspector Prasoon transferred to a hilly village in Kannur, has been receiving a good response from the audience. Now, the film's director Sangeeth P Rajan and actress Sruthy Suresh, who plays Stephy in the film, tied the knot at Thiruvalla Sree Vallabha temple.

Basil Joseph posted a picture of the couple congratulating them on the occasion. Sruthy also posted pictures and videos from her marriage.


Sangeeth made his debut as a director in 'Palthu Janwar'. It is produced by Bhavana Studios, the production house helmed by Shyam Pushkaran, Fahadh Faasil, and Dileesh Pothen.

Sruthy, one of the prominent actors of the web series Karikku, has also acted in films like Aparna Balamurali-starrer 'Sundari Gardens' and Aishwariya Lakshmi-starrer 'Archana 31 Not Out'.

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