Journalist Anjana George’s short film ‘Binary Error’ featuring India’s first transperson pilot Adam Harry premiered recently on Nerambokku channel. The film, though Anjana’s first attempt at filmmaking, shines in its style of storytelling as much as it gives hope to a section of people struggling to find their ground in society they live in.

The movie is headlined by Sunny Wayne who plays a cop (Sunny) in the movie. His neighbour Rosamma, an elderly woman, is found dead inside her house. Sunny who has often found solace in ‘Rosamma chechi’s’ affection towards him is saddened by the loss. He is, however, surprised to learn that the woman had a daughter, who went missing several years ago.


Sunny, bound by duty and affection for the elderly woman, goes on a quest to find the girl, though it does not turn out to be an easy task.

Adam Harry, who plays an errant boy in the film, does a brilliant job. It is through Adam that the story explores the myriad hues of human relationships while trying to transcend the bitter realities of life.


Filmmaker Midhun Manuel Thomas who started Nerambokku to stream quality short films and web series, should be applauded for giving opportunities to budding filmmakers who aim at creating meaningful stories that can leave an impact on society.

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