Close on the heels of Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh's nude magazine shoot winning both bouquets and brickbats from all over, 'Pathinettam Padi'-fame actor Akshay Radhakrishnan shared the first-look poster of his upcoming work, in which he can be seen hugging his own nude body with a pretty flower tucked amid the embrace.

Akshay's nude first-look poster has also been widely shared on social media, inviting all kinds of reactions. Akshay disrobed for the poster of 'Fading Shades,' an upcoming poem video directed by award-winning short filmmaker Arun Yoganathan.


One would think that the makers are trying to piggyback on the fame of Ranveer's shoot, but the director says, “Our shoot was over in March. However, we planned to release the poster closer to the video's release next month. But as Ranveer's photo was recently out, we felt that we shouldn't delay our poster either, that's all. Some people accuse us of copying Ranveer's shoot, but that doesn't matter.”

The upcoming video, which is based on writer Fahmitha Shirin's LGBTQ-themed poetry, has Akshay as the sole actor of the video.


The actor tells us, “Fading Shades is largely about the kind of stereotypes that we encounter in everything to do with life. You take anything, and there is a certain stereotypical expectation about it, and we wanted our video's poster to be something that breaks such notions and starts a conversation. That's how we arrived at the nude theme for the poster.”

Akshay shot to fame after he acted in the movie 'Pathinettam Padi'. Photos: Instagram | akshay_radhakrishnan

It's Akshay himself who suggested the idea to director Arun. “At that point, I was thinking like the character I was playing. He was at a stage in his life where he was garnering the courage to break barriers and insecurities. As part of that, he has to be in love with his body. If I think like Akshay, it wouldn't work,” the actor explains. But doesn't he have any insecurities regarding his body? “I don't. I know I am part of nature, and the body is something we live in! Why should one attach any shame to it and cover it up for this reason? As the video is about one feeling positively about one's body, I felt such a pose would help. The flower tucked amid the self-embrace shows how the bearded masculine-looking guy has a soft-as-a-flower side too, to him,” explains Akshay.


Ask the actor about the reception for the poster, and he says, “I am someone who openly shares my politics and views on social media. Therefore, whoever doesn't agree with my mindset, has already unfollowed me (laughs). Probably that's why the general reception I received was positive. There were a few negative comments too, which do not matter.” The actor's upcoming movies are the Vishnu Vishal starrer Tamil film 'Mohandas' and 'Bhagavandasinte Ramarajyam' directed by Rasheed.

And finally, what does he feel about the hullabaloo around Ranveer Singh's photoshoot? “I don't think the shoot is breaking any law, and anyone can take any steps in that direction to pin him down,” says Akshay, signing off.

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