We all know that Alia Bhatt had a very busy schedule in the past few months. After her marriage to Ranbir Kapoor in April, the actor had left for the shoot of the Hollywood film 'Heart of Stone' in May. Now, Alia herself took to social media to share that she has wrapped up the shoot for the film and is heading home to her 'baby' Ranbir Kapoor.

The ''Dear Zindagi' actress posted a picture of her alongside 'Wonder Woman' star Gal Gadot who is also part of the film along with Jamie Dornan.

“Thank you to the beautiful @gal_gadot .. my director Tom Harper … @jamiedornan missed you today .. and whole team for the unforgettable experience. I will be forever grateful for the love and care I received and I can’t wait for you all to see the film!!!!!  (sic) she wrote on Instagram.

Gal Gadot also posted the picture asking fans to 'give some love to my girl Alia Bhatt who wrapped up 'Heart of Stone'.

Alia wrapped up the final shot of the movie in Portugal.