Chennai: Actor, director and dance choreographer Prabhu Deva has disclosed how director N Ragavan convinced him to shave off his moustache and beard for their upcoming film 'My Dear Bootham', which is scheduled to hit the screens on July 15.

Prabhu Deva, who plays the lead in the film, posted a video clip on his Twitter timeline in which he explained how the director came to him one day and said that he would have to remove his beard and moustache for a scene that would appear in the film for a few seconds!


"I have had my moustache and beard from a very young age and I have cited several reasons to avoid removing them on other occasions.

"However, while I was shooting for 'My Dear Bootham', the director came to me and said that I would have to remove my moustache. I was stunned and asked him why. He replied, "You will have to remove it for five seconds." I again asked him, "Why?" and he replied saying that only then will the film have a better reach among kids."


Going on to state that somehow, the director convinced him to remove his moustache and beard for the film, the actor went on to show a series of photographs in which he was clean shaven.

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