R Madhavan's son Vedanth has been making the country proud by winning medals as a swimmer. Recently, in an interview in 'Nere Chovve' with MMTV's Johny Lukose, R Madhavan opened up about his parental techniques and how he manages to keep his son grounded, despite the luxuries in life.

During such a conversation, the actor-cum-director was asked about his reaction to social media trolls and posts comparing his son's upbringing to Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan, who was involved in a drugs case.


“I dont't want to talk about it. We are talking about a father (Shah Rukh). What his son or child goes through is very painful. We may make it a news item or meme without realising that you are hurting someone and how much. I don't want to add fuel to it at all. I just hope every father is proud of their child and don't have to go through the agony of seeing their son or child suffering.

“Let me ask you. Do you know how much of India is on Twitter. Not even one per cent, yet our world revolves around what that per cent thinks. That is not India. India does not think that about you. If you realise this, it is very easy to deal with the pressures of social media,” he said.