Actor Mamta Mohandas, who was recently seen in superhit Malayalam movie 'Jana Gana Mana' opposite Prithviraj and Suraj Venjaramoodu, was spotted at the Indian Film Academy Awards (IFAA) which is being held on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi on Saturday. The star also posted a video of her interacting with actor Salman Khan, who is among the many Bollywood stars who are attending the event in Abu Dhabi this year.

The Mollywood actor also struck a pose with actors Shahid Kapoor and Tiger Shroff during the press conference of the awards ceremony. Mamta was spotted wearing a satin dress by Salman Khan's own designer and famous Bollywood costume designer Ashley Rebello. The makeup and hair are by Renju Renjimar.


The IFAA is held annually at different venues across the globe to honour the best Hindi films and actors of the previous year. The awards are based on votes by fans. Aishwariya Rai Bachchan will also be present at the event and will joined by other Bollywood stars including Madhuri Dixit and Lara Dutta. Oscar winner A R Rahman is also attending the event.

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