The wait to watch Suriya's recently released Tamil social satire, Raame Aandalum Ravane Aandalum (RARA) is finally over as its streaming exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. Overwhelmed with the love and support he received from the audience Suriya took to his social media to share a picture of him watching RARA, the first of the four films produced by D2 Entertainment that will be streaming on the streaming service.

Suriya wrote: "This Gem filled our hearts, hoping it will fill your’s too!! I'm proud of the energy & effort our new team has put in!! RARA is out now on @PrimeVideoIN"


Meanwhile, the Tamil social satire is the talk of the town on social media. The movie received much applause and appreciation from critics and fraternity in the Tamil film industry. 

Directed by Arisil Moorthy, the film was produced by Suriya under his banner of 2D Entertainment and co-produced by Rajsekar Karpoorasundarapandian. The movie features an ensemble cast including Ramya Pandian, Vani Bhojan, Mithun Manickam and Vadivel Murugan. After getting acknowledged by the film industry, let’s have a look at what people have to say about this social satire movie set in a village which is filled with drama and laughter.