The Madras High Court on Tuesday permitted actress Amala Paul to move a civil defamation suit against her former boyfriend and singer Bhavninder Singh for posting private pictures and claiming they got married in a secret ceremony.

In March, the singer had shared pictures of the couple, in which they were seen dressed in traditional attire, and claimed that they had gotten married. The pictures had gone viral on social media.


Amala said that the photos were taken for professional purposes and the singer misused it. The actress, raising a complaint to Instagram, had the pictures removed. However, Bhavninder Singh continues to threaten her of uploading more such pictures and is demanding money for not doing so, submitted Amala Paul’s counsel. The actress moved the Madras HC because Singh’s office is located in Chennai and he stays in Puducherry.

Actress Amala Paul gets hitched? Pics go viral

The couple got close to each other in 2018. However, Singh soon started to extract money from Amala Paul, leading to their breakup.


Amala Paul earlier married director AL Vijay in 2014 and got divorced in 2017.

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