Dhyan Sreenivasan has joined hands with newcomer Jithu Vayalil for his next film. Titled 'Kadavul Sakaayam Natana Sabha', the title poster of the movie was released online.

Written by Bipin Chandran, who earlier penned screenplay for films like Best Actor, 1983, Paavada, C/O Saira Bhanu, the film will see Dhyan playing the role of Sathyaneshan Nadar.


Abhinand Ramanujan will be handling the cinematography while Sam C S has been roped in as the music director. The editing department will be helmed by Praveen Prabhakar.

Touted to be a comedy-thriller, the project is bankrolled by Rajissri Films.


The movie is set to go on floors soon.

Meanwhile, Dhyan has a couple of films in his kitty including Higuita, Paathira Kurbana and Adukkala: The manifesto.