Actor Rhea Chakraborty, facing serious allegations following the death of Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput, said for her, the latter was the best human being on earth. In an emotional interview Rhea revealed that she wanted a 'chota Sushant' who would be just like Sushant.

Responding to the charges against her, Rhea requested the people to see facts and try to understand her point of view as well.


She urged everyone who has lost a beloved person, every woman who has lost her husband or boyfriend or partner should keep themselves in her shoes and understand her position, reports said.

She told a TV channel that Sushant was deeply upset over the 'Me Too' allegations he had to face in 2018. She said he believed that 'someone' was behind the charges.


Sushant was found dead in his Mumbai apartment on June 14. The case is being investigated by CBI, ED and Narcotics Control Bureau.