After actress Vijayalakhmi attempted to commit suicide and has been admitted to hospital in Chennai, actor and choreographer Gayathri Raghuram and actress Kathuri had rushed to the hospital.

Kasthuri met her family at the hospital and she tweeted saying, "Met Vijayalakshmi's family in the hospital, offered them all help. They are just three broken women, cornered, paranoid, tragic. I have worked with Usha, attended her marriage, watched her life unravel. Couldn't even recognise her yesterday."


She also revealed about her conversation with Vijayalakshmi's sister Usha. "Now for the inconvenient truth- I listened to Usha explain their travails for nearly an hour. Every sentence was about two persons. She made several serious allegations, but unfortunately, could not corroborate them. A lot of details didn't fit," Kasthuri tweeted.

Gayathri spoke to the local press and revealed, “She hasn’t told what kind of mental state she is in. She was hesitant to even share her location as she was scared that goons might find her place and attack her, but at the same time she also wants to be bold and come out talk about it. She doesn’t know how to fight this without any help.”

Gayathri further said that Vijayalakshmi was in mental depression and hence decided to take the drastic step. She added, “Even though many of us had helped her monetarily, she seems to be in a lot of trouble. I think we shouldn’t leave alone after this.”

On Sunday, Vijayalakshmi took to Facebook to share a video where she cited that social media abuse and bullying by the followers of Naam Thamizhar party leader Seeman and Panankatty Padai’s Hari Nadar of harassing her over the difference of opinion. She also accused followers of Seeman and Hari Nadar of harassment and the primary reason that drove her to take the extreme step.

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