The Kerala Women’s Commission has taken a case against Malayalam actor Sreenivasan on the basis of a complaint given by Anganwadi teachers.

During an interview given to Malayalam channel, the actor said that Anganwadi teachers are women without any education.


“In Japan, teachers who know psychology and psychiatry teach kids of kintergarden and play school. Here, is it like that? Women with no education and who do not get any other jobs are made Anganwadi teachers. These kids grow amongst them, and can only grow to their standard,” the actor said.

According to the petitioners, they said that they were hurt by the comments, and that his comments were also gender-insensitive.


Recently, the Anganwadi teachers of Kerala had drawn praise for their work in the state amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

While Kerala’s Anganwadi teachers were hailed on social media for delivering mid-day meal rations to the students’ homes during the lockdown, Anganwadi staffers have also played a significant role in contact tracing and monitoring those under quarantine in the state. Anganwadi centres in the state are also enabling online education for economically weak and backward students.
