Malayalam actor Kunchacko Boban's son turned a year old on Thursday. It was Kunchacko Boban himself who conveyed this happy news last year on this very day to his fans and well-wishers.

Through the Instagram post, he expressed his happiness as well as thanked everyone for their prayers, care and love. He also shared a cute little photo along with the post on having their first baby after a wait of 14 years.


Each time, Kunchacko Boban posts a pic of his little one, netizens are too excited and make the pic go viral.

Amid the lockdown, the family is said to have a close-knit birthday celebration. Kunchacko Boban shared a photo of the little one reminding everyone of the crisis situation.

Actress Pearle Maaney shared a photo with Izza sending him birthday wishes. 

Earlier, the family had hosted a grand baptism ceremony and celebs from the industry had made their way.


Kunchacko and Priya Kunchacko are one among the most loved couples of the film industry. Kunchacko Boban comes from a legacy of Kunchacko family. Actor Kunchacko Boban is the grandson of Kunchacko, who was a filmmaker and producer who started the famous 'Udaya Studios.'

The actor's father, Boban Kunchacko, wanted to keep his son's name after his father, and thus named the actor as Kunchacko Boban. And he named his son as Izahaak Kunchacko.