After playing a pretty bride in popular Malayalam sitcom Uppum Mulakum, TV star Juhi Rustagi is all set to get hitched. Reports are rife that the actress will be getting married to Rovin George.

The duo were spotted at the pooja ceremony of an upcoming Malayalam movie.


Both Juhi and Rovin were seen in matching outfits and grabbed all attention at the event.

Actress Juhi Rustagi, is known for her role Lechu in the popular sitcom Uppum Mulakum. Rovin is a doctor by profession. Born in South Africa, Rovin is also a model and actor. Earlier, Rovin and Juhi had worked together for a musical album.


When the marriage of Juhi's character from the serial Lechu was interpreted by some of the netizens as the real life marriage of actress Juhi, she had shared a live video. She herself had then clarified that she was gearing up for the wedding of the character Lechu. 

“I promise that if such an important event happens in my real life I will inform my fans and audience for sure,” she had said then.


And looks like she herself introduced her would-be by bringing him at the function.

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