Veteran actor Jagathy Sreekumar makes his much awaited comeback through Kabeerinte Divasangal' starring Murali Chand and Rachel David. The movie directed and produced by J Sarathchandran deals with a spiritual topic. Jagathy Sreeekumar plays the role of a retired temple priest, who is paralysed and wheel-chair bound. Speaking about the acting of Jagathy Sreekumar, the lead actor Murali Chand said that the former has delivered excellent performance thorough expressions and nods.

“Our family is very close to Jagathy uncle's family. He stayed at our Dubai residence whenever he visited middle-east. When we spoke with the doctors who treated him, they said he has completely recovered from the spinal injury and his vocal chords are all fine. He just needed a trigger to start speak,” Murali explained.


The neurologists treating Jagathy Sreekumar reportedly asked his family and friends to keep him engaged with what he is passionate about, for speedy recovery.


According to his co-actors, Jagathy was seen elated all through the shooting schedule. He emoted refusal, nods, happiness, despair and rage in the scenes which demanded them. “At a time, he even got angry at the make-up man like he used to do in the past,” Murali said.


Jagathy was attended by his wife and daughter Parvathy all through the shooting.


Director J Sarathchandran told Onmanorama that Jagathy's character was written keeping his physical condition in mind. “It was my long term dream to direct a movie casting Jagathy Sreekumar. We have been friends for about 30 years now. How can I forget my dear friend when I plan to direct a movie now?” he asked.


The makers of the movie reportedly approached Jagathy Sreekumar with the script and proceeded with the project when they saw his excitement.