Kochi: Film Employees Federation of Kerala (FEFKA) has intervened in the Anil Radhakrishnan Menon and Bineesh Bastin controversy. FEFKA general secretary B Unnikrishnan told media that the association has sought an explanation from Menon as to why he refused to share the stage with actor Bineesh Bastin at an event.

A video of Malayalam actor Bineesh Bastin had gone viral on social media after he squatted on a college stage in protest after National award-winning director Anil Radhakrishnan Menon refused to share the stage with him.


Also read: Bineesh Bastin - The baddie from Kochi in Vijay’s 'Theri'

Bastin who had been invited as a guest to the college was later denied the entry due to the opposition of the director.


“It's a shameful incident. We have already asked for an explanation from the director and if his response is not satisfactory for the association, strict action will be taken, Unnikrishnan told the press. He further added, “We are yet to contact Bineesh Bastin. We hope to resolve the controversy as soon as possible and FEFKA will stand with truth and justice.”

“I watched the video through social media itself and it was disheartening to watch. Such unfortunate incidents should not occur in future,” said Unnikrishnan.


Anil Radhakrishnan Menon mentioned Bineesh as a third-rate artist who once requested an entry in his films.

Bineesh was invited to by the college union to the magazine release ceremony of Palakkad Govt. Medical College. After years of hard work as a daily wage worker and later as a supporting artist in movies, Bineesh, recently rose to fame after acting in Vijay-starrer Theri