Days after Amrutha Suresh shared that she is going through the toughest phase of her life, the singer-volgger is back to her social media platforms with a bang.

In the latest episode of Ag Vlog, Amrutha and her sister Abhirami has paid tributes to their mother by recreating an old photo.


“For any human being, the biggest role model, would be one’s mother.. Here we are, trying to recreate an old picture of our gorgeous mother as a non Mother’s Day shout out to all the beautiful and kind mothers out there,” she captioned the video.

Amrutha looked gorgeous in a saree and resembled her mother's look.


Watch the video below:

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Happpy Onammmm....

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Amritha Suresh and Abhirami Suresh initially launched their music band, Amrutam Gamaya before launching YouTube channel AG Vlog. The channel which was launched in December 2018 is about the duo's travel, food, music, shopping with a peep into their personal lives.